Renewable options for your home and business
Are you trying to make more eco-friendly choices? You can supplement your electricity plan with a more environmentally friendly option for as little as half a cent per kWh.
If supporting cleaner, more sustainable energy choices is important to you, energy-efficient appliances are one way to lower your carbon footprint. You can also select to have 25 or 100 percent of your retail electricity plan come from renewable sources.
Our Renewable Energy Certificate Option Plans (REC-OPs) come from renewable sources like hydro, wind, and solar. Electrons generated by renewable sources are added to the grid and accounted for with a Renewable Energy Certificate (REC). When you choose a REC-OP, we allocate the right amount based on your consumption. Once you’ve used your percentage of electrons generated by renewable sources, those RECs are retired on your behalf.
We try to source all energy for our REC-OPs from sustainable Alberta-based sources.
Adopt renewable energy
The future lies in renewable energy. That’s why you can choose to have 25 or 100 percent of your electricity come from renewable sources.

Ready for your moment in the sun?
Alberta is the sunniest spot in Canada, with more than 300 days of sunshine every year. That’s a whole lot of solar energy you could be putting to work in your home! Have you thought about installing solar panels on your home or property?
Meet Rümi
Rümi and ATCOenergy are home happiness sister brands from ATCO. Think of Rümi as a trusted concierge for your home. We partner with local home service experts who share the same values and meet safety, skill and happiness standards. You’re one installation away from decades of energy savings. Want to learn more?