Don’t let energy costs stand in the way of new ideas and refreshing changes in your business plan. Our trusted Alberta energy advisors can help find a plan that fits your business.
We stand behind you and your business. Sensible plans and flexible payment options help you stay in control of your energy costs. We understand the challenges Alberta businesses are facing. Our local energy experts are ready with ways to help save you more now and down the road.
As a born and bred Alberta business, we’ve been there. We understand what it’s like, and that’s why we’ve got your back.
Ready to sign up?
How does ATCOenergy stand behind your business?

24/7 access
Access your account, past bills and current amount online anytime through My Account.

Simplified billing
Electricity and Natural Gas all on one easy-to-read bill.

Local support
Get dedicated support from reps in Alberta who know your business, and your community.
ATCOenergy electricity & natural gas guaranteed rates
Electricity rates
/ kWh
/ kWh
/ kWh
/ kWh
Natural gas rates
/ GJ
/ GJ
/ GJ
/ GJ
Quick & easy sign up
Choose your own flexible energy plan online in just 10 minutes, anytime.
Guaranteed rates vs variable rates? What's the difference?
Your business faces all sorts of challenges. To keep up with weather, our electricity and natural gas use changes just as quickly as a chinook rolls in. The good news is that you have the power to choose, and change, your energy plan at any time.Choose a guaranteed or variable rate on your plan for 1, 2, 3 or 5 years. Not sure what works for you? Connect with our team of experts.
Guaranteed rates
There’s nothing quite like Alberta weather. In the span of just a few hours, you can switch back and forth between your furnace and your air conditioner. While your energy use will change to keep up with the climate, the good news is the price you pay per kWh or GJ won’t.
Guaranteed pricing is a great option for business owners looking to reduce the ups and downs of their energy costs. Simply put, your energy rate remains constant, even when the market rate fluctuates. Because your consumption will vary, your energy charge will too – but the unit price is guaranteed. This gives you stability throughout your plan's term and gives you some certainty when it comes to your energy costs.
Variable rates
Nobody knows the ups and downs of a market like you, a business owner. Our variable pricing depends on the actual market price. If the market rates for electricity or natural gas fluctuates, so do yours.
Instead of paying for a stable rate under the guaranteed model, your charges are based on flow-through of the market price for the electricity and natural gas provided to you, plus a minimal service fee. This means you could save one month but spend a bit more the next as the market fluctuates.
Our variable price option provides exposure to the market and is suited to businesses that are willing to experience volatility in their energy charges, as both their consumption and the rate will vary every month.
Watch our customer's story
RNDSQR is revolutionizing inner city living in Calgary and beyond. That's something ATCOenergy can stand behind!

A proud sponsor
ATCOenergy stands behind Alberta businesses. As proud sponsors of Business Link’s Business Foundations Series, we provide flexible energy plans and local support for homes and businesses across Alberta.